Thursday, March 24, 2016


Intelligent Hybrid Animal
Hit Dice:
0 (DEX 0)
30 Ft (6 Squares)
Armor Class:
(-1 Size, +4 Natural, +0 DEX, +2 Leather Armor)
Touch AC:
Flat-Footed AC:
Base Attack/Grapple:
+8 Gore (1D8+5)
Full Attack:
+8 Gore (1D8+5), or +7 Falchion (2D4+7/18-20), or Javelin +2 Ranged (1D6+4)
10 Ft X 10 Ft/5 Ft
Special Attacks:
Powerful Charge
Special Qualities:
Dark Vision, Low-Light Vision, Light Sensitivity
Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +1
STR 21, DEX 11, CON 16,
INT 8, WIS 10, CHA 6
Listen +7, Spot +2
Alertness, Endurance, Improved Natural Attack (gore)
Warm Plains & Hills
Solitary (1), Gang (1d3+1), or Herd (2D6)
Challenge Rating:
By Character Level & Applied Templates
Level Adjustment:
By Character Level & Applied Templates
A Rinohk or Bawaronte is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in Aiers. Originary from Antorian Orc myths, but present as well in the traditions of other peoples of the plains of Antor and the Bareds, either by Antorian-orc influence or in their own development, the Rinohks are supposed to be a kind of Beast-people, anthropomorphic creatures or spirits that have taken a form of a Rhino beast-men.
   In the myths, the Rinohk are herders and protectors of the Rhinos, defending them of poachers and predators, as is said their horn have magical properties, and therefore was seen as important by the gods to protect these creatures and their magic, and so where created the Rinohks. As well is said, when there are fire in the steppes of Antor, it was the Rinohk and their rhino herds, that put down the fire, saving the life of many creatures in such a way.
   Some say, the Rhinos were unicorns, but they got lazy and fat, and lost their colors, and until the curse is broken, the Rinohks were to protect these cursed unicorns.
Among the Antorian orcs children, sometimes the mothers used the Bawaronte as a boogeyman, so they eat their soup.
   Some say the origin of this myth was either in seeing the Rhino themselves, or instead the visions of grey-skinned ogres. Among Antorian Ogres, sometimes they used Rhino hides and skulls for decorative purposes-being some of the most feared warriors of the Antorian Horde, reason why some suggest that's the origin of this story, more prevalent among the orcs and elves than beast-men themselves.
Combat: When it is harassed or annoyed, a rinohk lowers its head and charges with either it’s javelin (at 2X normal damage) or it’s horn.
Powerful Charge (Ex): A rinohk deals 2D8+5 (X2 when charging) points of damage when using it’s horn to make a charge attack.

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